Genyadana Hamadaya
Genyadana Hamadaya-Fine Dining Japanese style restaurant
History of Nihonbashi
Origins of Ningyo-cho

Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho is the birthplace of Edo Kabuki.During the Edo period the quarter was lined with Kabuki theaters and joruri(Japanese traditional narrative puppet shows)theaters.The district developed into an amusement center where entertainment was provided to the general public for 260 years.The name of the place is derived from the town where many puppet markers and puppet manipulators lived."Ningyo" means puppet and "cho" means street or town in Japanese.
The district, a marshy ground where reeds("yoshi" in Japanese) grew in clusters in the area during the Edo period, was calles Yoshi-cho.

The area was reclaimed at the beggining of the Edo period.This district where pleasure quarters in various parts of the town where drawn evolved into a Geisha quarter was renamed to Yoshiwara.The district also thrived as a temple town for the Suitengu Shrine(built in 1818) where prayers for safe delivery,marine/water rescue,and prosperity of liquir trade(trade in bars or night club) are still made.

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